As you may know, our cat Dixie passed away last August. She was 19 years old and lived a good life. Yesterday, I went out in the yard and passed by the area where we buried her. I paused for a minute, looked at the oleander tree that is growing right next to the spot where Dixie was laid to rest and I wondered if some of her spirit (as unique as it was) lived on in the tree. Then, I spotted in a branch hanging right over her burial spot a tiny, tiny hummingbird’s nest. I bent the branch down slightly and saw that there were two eggs, about the size of jellybeans in there.

Dixie loved to watch hummingbirds here in the desert and would chatter at them through the window. I thought it was quite appropriate that this nest was there, possibly to entertain her, tease, or maybe even take on a little bit of her spirit.

Here are some photos taken today of the nest (momma bird was out at the time, but she’s very protective) …

You can just barely see the nest

You can just barely see the nest

Close-up of the nest

Close-up of the nest

Two little jellybean-sized eggs in a nest about the diameter of a nickel.

Two little jellybean-sized eggs in a nest about the diameter of a nickel.